Genres: Languages

French Verb Drills: Bundle 1: Master the French Verb être/ avoir/ faire / aller - with No Memorization! (Unabridged)


Product Summery

Master the French verb être, avoir, faire, aller - -with no memorization!

Learn the different conjugations of the highly useful verb être, avoir, faire, aller without memorizing anything. Using repetition exercises designed to build your reflexes, the drills will help you develop an instinct to select the correct verb form naturally, with no more hesitations.

Pronounce French verbs the right way

The drills are narrated by a French speaker and guaranteed to help you learn and practice correct pronunciation - -as it is spoken today.

Highly convenient and effective

Each drill is five to six minutes long and is very easy to do. You can listen to the drills practically anywhere - in your commute, while driving or running, or during any free time you have.

The tenses covered include the affirmative, negative, and interrogative forms of:
Présent de l'indicatif Passé composé Imparfait Futur de l'indicatif Futur antérieur Conditionnel présent, and Présent du subjonctif
Tenses that are barely used in actual speech such as passé simple and plus que parfait are not included in the drills so you could focus on the essentials.