Genres: Education,Books,Professional & Technical



Product Summery

You finally landed that job in a school. It's supposed to be everything you anticipated. However, after the first few days, you realize you're entirely lost. It feels as though you're swimming upstream against a strong current. You come home after work and feel like crying. You're caught in a hopeless maze. You thought schools were about the three R's. But you find reading, 'riting and 'rithmetic have been replaced by rules, routines, and relationships. And, another R looms over your head-namely-responsibility. In EduKate Me, author and former school administrator Ed Yergalonis helps you navigate your career journey. He focuses on the unwritten rules for survival in your school, the things no one told you and probably never will. He teaches you his Ten Commandments of working in a school, such as, working in a school is all about relationships and politics are everywhere. EduKate Me offers guidance in succeeding at your job and representing your school with positivity.