Insanely Simple

Release Date:- 2012-04-26

Reviews Counts:- 424

User Average Rating:- 4.5

Availability:- In Stock

Kind:- ebook


To Steve Jobs, Simplicity was a religion. It was also a weapon.

Simplicity isnā€™t just a design principle at Appleā€”itā€™s a value that permeates every level of the organization. The obsession with Simplicity is what separates Apple from other technology companies. Itā€™s what helped Apple recover from near death in 1997 to become the most valuable company on Earth in 2011.

Thanks to Steve Jobsā€™s uncompromising ways, you can see Simplicity in everything Apple does: the way itā€™s structured, the way it innovates, and the way it speaks to its customers.

Itā€™s by crushing the forces of Complexity that the company remains on its stellar trajectory.

As ad agency creative director, Ken Segall played a key role in Appleā€™s resurrection, helping to create such critical marketing campaigns as Think different. By naming the iMac, he also laid the foundation for naming waves of i-products to come.

Segall has a unique perspective, given his years of experience creating campaigns for other iconic tech companies, including IBM, Intel, and Dell. It was the stark contrast of Appleā€™s ways that made Segall appreciate the power of Simplicityā€”and inspired him to help others benefit from it.

In Insanely Simple, youā€™ll be a fly on the wall inside a conference room with Steve Jobs, and on the receiving end of his midnight phone calls. Youā€™ll understand how his obsession with Simplicity helped Apple perform better and faster, sometimes saving millions in the process. Youā€™ll also learn, for example, how to:

ā€¢ Think Minimal: Distilling choices to a minimum brings clarity to a company and its customersā€”as Jobs proved when he replaced over twenty product models with a lineup of four.
ā€¢ Think Small: Swearing allegiance to the concept of ā€œsmall groups of smart peopleā€ raises both morale and productivity.
ā€¢ Think Motion: Keeping project teams in constant motion focuses creative thinking on well-defined goals and minimizes distractions.
ā€¢ Think Iconic: Using a simple, powerful image to symbolize the benefit of a product or idea creates a deeper impression in the minds of customers.
ā€¢ Think War: Giving yourself an unfair advantageā€”using every weapon at your disposalā€”is the best way to ensure that your ideas survive unscathed.

Segall brings Appleā€™s quest for Simplicity to life using fascinating (and previously untold) stories from behind the scenes. Through his insight and wit, youā€™ll discover how companies that leverage this power can stand out from competitorsā€”and individuals who master it can become critical assets to their organizations.