OPCOM Farm Advanced Hydroponics for STEM Education

Release Date:- 2018-01-04

Reviews Counts:- 5

User Average Rating:- 4.5

Availability:- In Stock

Kind:- ebook


Advanced Hydroponics for STEM Education is an interactive book that teaches advanced hydroponics through STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) subjects such as plant biology, chemistry, and physics.  This STEM resource introduces students to the science behind hydroponic technologies to provide career and workforce readiness skills students need for future high-tech jobs in agriculture and other related fields.  Using technology as a platform, this book can be easily incorporated into classroom lesson plans with subject-relevant content.  Designed for use with OPCOM Farm hydroponic systems, this book engages students through descriptive photo galleries, rotating 3D models, interactive diagrams, and integrated review sections.  When paired with the variety of OPCOM Farm hydroponic technologies for the classroom, this book provides an immersive, hands-on STEM learning experience.

Summary of Contents:

Chapter 1:  Introduction to Hydroponics
This chapter discusses the early history of hydroponics and gives a brief overview of how hydroponic technologies work.

Chapter 2:  OPCOM Farm Hydroponic Technologies  
This chapter provides an overview of the various types of technologies used in OPCOM hydroponic systems including Deep Flow Technique (DFT), Nutrient Film Technique (NFT), Aquaponics, and Aeroponics.

Chapter 3:  Light
This chapter discusses the physics of light in relationship to plant growth and covers topics such as the electromagnetic spectrum, visible light, and photosynthesis.

Chapter 4:  Nutrients
This chapter teaches students about the 17 nutrients essential to plant health, including molecular structures and chemical formulas, and how these nutrients affect plant functions.

Chapter 5:  Planting
This chapter introduces students to plant biology, the types of plants that can be grown hydroponically, and to the maintenance requirements for successfully growing plants in a hydroponic system.

Chapter 6:  Environmental Benefits
This chapter highlights the environmental benefits of hydroponic technologies including indoor air purification, the chemistry of indoor toxins, water savings, and energy usage.