Blockchain Revolution

Release Date:- 2016-05-10

Reviews Counts:- 25

User Average Rating:- 4

Availability:- In Stock

Kind:- ebook


Blockchain technology is powering our future. As the technology behind cryptocurrencies like bitcoin and Facebook's Libra, open software platforms like Ethereum, and disruptive companies like Ripple, itā€™s too important to ignore.
In this revelatory book, Don Tapscott, the bestselling author of Wikinomics, and his son, blockchain expert Alex Tapscott, bring us a brilliantly researched, highly readable, and essential book about the technology driving the future of the economy. 
Blockchain is the ingeniously simple, revolutionĀ­ary protocol that allows transactions to be simultaneously anonymous and secure by maintaining a tamperproof public ledger of value. Though itā€™s best known as the technology that drives bitcoin and other digital curĀ­rencies, it also has the potential to go far beyond currency, to record virtually everything of value to humankind, from birth and death certifiĀ­cates to insurance claims, land titles, and even votes. 
Blockchain is also essential to understand if youā€™re an artist who wants to make a living off your art, a consumer who wants to know where that hamburger meat really came from, an immigrant whoā€™s tired of paying big fees to send money home to your loved ones, or an entrepreneur looking for a new platform to build a business. And those examples are barely the tip of the iceberg.
As with major paradigm shifts that preceded it, blockchain technology will create winners and losers. This book shines a light on where it can lead us in the next decade and beyond.