CyberSecurity for the Digitally Challenged

Release Date:- 2020-10-11

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Availability:- In Stock

Kind:- ebook


Cybersecurity is a concern for anyone who uses the internet to communicate, conduct research, shop, or find entertainment. 
This interactive handbook is designed to introduce the basic concepts of cybersecurity, to anyone who uses the internet. The content provides the reader with a broad overview of the threats and pitfalls, found in the cyber world, and strategies to avoid becoming a victim of cybercrime. 
My goal was to create a handbook designed to be a one-stop, essential text, for people who don’t have a technical background, or any background in cybersecurity. If you fit this description, then this book is designed just for you.
Cybersecurity education is my passion and creating this handbook has been my mission. As an interactive textbook you will discover comprehensive content, designed to educate, and keep you engaged. The handbook is a combination of text, video, audio, and interactive content all designed to create a fun and engaging way to learn about safety in the cyber world.