Once Saved, Always Saved - The Reality of Eternal Security

Release Date:- 2017-12-23

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Availability:- In Stock

Kind:- ebook


The issue of whether a “born-again” Christian can lose their salvation is an absolutely critical one and has been a controversial topic amongst Christians for centuries. 

Brian Johnston provides a number of faith lessons which include insightful illustrations and Biblical references that all Christians can use to reassure themselves that there is no basis in the Bible for the so-called "Falling Away Doctrine".

The titles of the first 7 chapters of this book indicate the basis on which its conclusion is reached:

1) Whose is the Primary Salvation Decision?
2) The Outcome is Already Finalized
3) With God, There is No Going Back on His Word
4) God’s Grace is Emphasised Without Qualification
5) The Biblical Imagery is of Irreversible Processes
6) We May Lose Our Reward, But Not the Gift
7) Christ’s Body Can Never Be Dismembered