Eternal Security - Ten Biblical Proofs

Release Date:- 2023-03-04

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Availability:- In Stock

Kind:- ebook


ā€¢This book offers ten concise, powerful arguments for the doctrine of Eternal Security, while also addressing some common objections.
ā€¢It is designed for believers looking for arguments for Eternal Security, as well as those who lack assurance of Salvation.


ā€¢A Child of God, Eternally
ā€¢Sealed with the Holy Spirit
ā€¢Justification Without the Law
ā€¢Eternal Life as a Present Possession
ā€¢Saved by Grace Through Faith, to the Exclusion of Works
ā€¢Eternal Life as the Gift of God
ā€¢The Only Payment for Sin
ā€¢God's Metaphors for Salvation
ā€¢The "Problem Verses" Aren't Problems
ā€¢The Many Glorious Things God Declares About Believers

ā€¢Appendix I - Tackling Persistent Doubt
ā€¢Appendix II - What about the Mark of the Beast?
ā€¢Appendix III - What about blasphemy against the Holy Ghost?
ā€¢Appendix IV - What about those who tamper with the Bible?