Scripture Twisting

Release Date:- 2024-12-18

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Availability:- In Stock

Kind:- ebook


Scripture Twisting reveals the spin that false teachers have given on various scriptures throughout the Holy Bible to deny the truth concerning the eternal security of the saved. This practice of sharing misinformation has stemmed from both innocent ignorance as well as outright intelligent design. This twisting of truth has misled many, causing some to have lived and died without the correct understanding. Within the pages of this book, you will find thirty-one scripture references often used to insinuate the ability of the saved to be able to lose his or her salvation, along with an accurate contextual explanation of these same scriptures. You will also find thirty-one scripture references of reassurance debunking any possibility of the saved being able to lose his or her salvation. This book is not intended to be a deep study, but rather a short reference to be able to quickly dispel false information.