Plants You Can't Kill

Release Date:- 2017-02-21

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Availability:- In Stock

Kind:- ebook


"I kill everything I plant."

Does this sound like you or someone you know? Give yourself a pat on the back because admitting you have a problem is the first step to recovery. And lucky for you, you can easily turn your brown thumb into a green one with the help of Plants You Canā€™t Kill.

Seriouslyā€”it doesnā€™t matter how many plants youā€™ve killed in gardens past. Itā€™s time to put those experiences behind you and finally grow something in your empty and bare spots. This is the only gardening book youā€™ll ever need with more than 100 plant picks for every situation. You want veggies? We have ā€™em. You need to fill a big space? We have shrub ideas for you. You just want something pretty? We have plenty of that, as well.

The plants in Plants You Canā€™t Kill have been vetted by an amazing and famous panel of horticulture experts (this is just a fancy way of saying they went to college for gardening), so feel confident youā€™re not wasting money on yet another gardening book. These plants will actually survive your well-meaning, yet sometimes neglectful ways.

Ready for the most resilient, hardcore, badass list of plants known to gardeners? Find them and grow them with the help of Plants You Canā€™t Kill.