Comments on Jazz Dance 1996 - 2014

Release Date:- 2015-06-13

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Availability:- In Stock

Kind:- ebook


From 1996-2014, jazz dance choreographer/teacher/author Bob Boross has published articles pertaining to jazz dance in Dancer, Dance Teacher, Dance Magazine, Dance Chronicle, the Jazz Dance E-News, and the textbook Jazz Dance - A History of the Roots and Branches.  Here Bob’s writings have been gathered in one publication, with individual feature articles on Jack Cole, Matt Mattox, Frank Hatchett, Lynn Simonson, Donald McKayle,Graciela Daniele, Eugene Loring, Michael Owens, Danny Buraczeski, Paul Draper, Jeannie Hill, Sue Samuels and Jo Jo Smith, Bob Fosse and Chet Walker, and Marcus Alford.  Also included are Bob’s discussions of What is Jazz Dance?, Choreography for Musical Theatre, and new shows based in rhythm like STOMP, Bring in da Noise, Bring in da Funk, and Jam on the Groove.