Tropical and Sub-Tropical Reservoir Limnology in China

Release Date:- 2011-09-18

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Availability:- In Stock

Kind:- ebook


Reservoirs are specific aquatic ecosystems and have complex behaviors of both natural lakes and rivers, regulated significantly by their functions such as flood controlling, hydropower generation, irrigation and fishery. This volume offers a general description of reservoir limnology in tropical and subtropical China. It functions as a window opening to all the aquatic scientists with a main focus on reservoirs in southern China and at the same time also covering several important, large reservoirs such as the Three Gorge Reservoir and Danjiangko Reservoir. Topics discussed are zooplankton, phytoplankton and zoobenthos communities, cyanobateria, nutrient budget, sediments, biogeochemical cycling of mercury,  fishery and eutrophication.