Smart Couples Finish Rich, Revised and Updated

Release Date:- 2018-01-09

Reviews Counts:- 22

User Average Rating:- 4.5

Availability:- In Stock

Kind:- ebook


“[David Bach’s] advice is heartfelt and worthy. For most couples struggling to make their financial lives smoother, this is a good place to get the dialogue rolling.” –USA Today

#1 New York Times bestselling author David Bach has helped millions of couples plan for a future they love with more than 7 million of his books in print. And now, completely updated and revised, Smart Couples Finish Rich, America’s favorite money book, is back. You’ll discover the latest techniques to live a life as a couple, where your values align and your money decisions become easier. Whether newlyweds, a couple planning for retirement or already retired, this timeless classic provides couples with easy-to-use tools that cover everything from credit card management to detailed investment advice to long term care. Together you’ll learn why couples who plan their finances together, stay together!