Time Is Money: A Simple System To Cure Procrastination Without Willpower, Become More Productive, Find Your Focus & Get More Done In Less Time!

Release Date:- 2015-09-09

Reviews Counts:- 1007

User Average Rating:- 4.5

Availability:- In Stock

Kind:- ebook


Do you have a procrastination problem? Do you ever wonder whats ā€œwrongā€ with you? Ever wonder why you just donā€™t seem to have the willpower needed to get things done?

In Time Is Money, you get a step-by-step system to accomplish your goals with the need of willpower. Youā€™ll be able to have fun, build unstoppable motivation and even break lazy habits that are holding you back. Youā€™ll learn how to develop habits correctly by following the ā€œThree Rā€™sā€. 

What will you learn? Well hereā€™s a previewā€¦

ā€¢ The 4 Reasons why you procrastinate and how to solve them
ā€¢ How to increase your energy by creating habits that stick
ā€¢ The 4 mistakes people make when setting goals
ā€¢ How to increase your ā€œfocus muscleā€ and get more things done in less time
ā€¢ What to do when youā€™re feeling overwhelmed
ā€¢ How to overcome the fear of failure thats preventing you from making progress

Donā€™t hesitate to pick up your copy today by clicking the BUY NOW button at the top of this page!

P.S. If youā€™re a procrastinator donā€™t delay this purchase. The information in this book will help you transform your life!