Building Success Through Creativity: 10 reasons why businesses can't ignore it in the creative economy

Release Date:- 2012-01-16

Reviews Counts:- 28

User Average Rating:- 4.5

Availability:- In Stock

Kind:- ebook


Every business and organization is born out of a spark of inspiration, a passion, a desire to do something better. That's right-brain, creative thinking. Yet traditional business practices are logical and analytical, which is left-brain, linear thinking. Our education promotes the left-brain approach as being 'serious' and reliable, and it therefore tends to predominate in our work activities, to the exclusion of our intuitive, creative faculties.
However, the creative qualities that give birth to organizations are the most powerful ones to use to sustain and grow it. Every single aspect of business—relationship dynamics, product development, operational processes, management practices, marketing, emotional/mental health, and customer relations—work better where there is a vibrant creative culture.