Retirement Planning 101: The Essential Guide to a Smart Retirement

Release Date:- 2011-07-01

Reviews Counts:- 5

User Average Rating:- 4

Availability:- In Stock

Kind:- ebook


The average life expectancy of a human being today is set at an average of 78 years old. When you consider that most people retire at age 65 that leaves 13 years of life still left to live. Many more people are living into their 80's and 90's as well. That's even more life to live! How exciting! When was the last time you thought about what you would be doing in 10 years, 20 years, even 30 years? Probably not very often, huh? That's alright, it's normal. We don't really think about retirement when we're young, but the truth is that is the exact time we need to think about it. Why? So you can plan! The thought of retirement planning probably isn't the most fun activity in the world. You probably have your head filled with visions of spreadsheets and figures that even a high school calculus whiz would have problems with. But planning for your retirement involves so much more than just money. You need to consider: - Where you'll live - What you want to do when you retire - What you will live on - How you'll pay your bills - And more! It can be confusing and even a little overwhelming. I mean, really, how will you know what you want to do when you retire in 20 years? How can you even begin to predict financial trends that far in advance? Imagine traveling to places you were never able to go to before because you were working. Think about being able to pursue hobbies that you never had time for because of your commitments. When you retire, you'll have time for all of that, but will you have the money? In this book, you'll learn: - Things you should think about when starting your plan - How to determine how much money you'll need - Maximizing your employer's retirement plans - How to find FREE MONEY in your employer's retirement plans - Investing in the stock market to grow your retirement savings - And more! This guide has all of the information you need to get started with retirement planning today... If you're 30 or 50, it's really never too late to start. This guide is written in an easy to understand format that can help you decide what your retirement goals are and how to go about meeting them. And besides the financial part of retirement planning, this guide will also tell you: - What you need to know if you're going to work in retirement - How to plan your will - The best way to use your home in your retirement plans - How to find health insurance in retirement - If you need to purchase long-term care insurance - And more! This book was written specifically for everyday people who want to have enough money to live on when they decide to give up working for a life of leisure. Because, let's face it, after putting in your time at the office for years and years, you do, after all, deserve to live a life of leisure that YOU plan for yourself! This is the ultimate guide towards planning for and realizing your retirement goals for your future today!