Typography Best Practices

Release Date:- 2013-04-05

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Availability:- In Stock

Kind:- ebook


Web design is not just about a flamboyant or simply beautiful website appearance. This book is about small — but crucial — details, in a specialty that is all about details. Whether you're interested in determining the right paragraph layout or typographic details, observing the correct typographic etiquette or making the other small decisions that will dramatically influence how your website is perceived, many answers will present themselves in this collection of articles.


The Perfect Paragraph
Mind Your En And Em Dashes: Typographic Etiquette
Why Subtle Typographic Choices Make All The Difference
A Closer Look At Font Rendering
The Creative Way To Maximize Design Ideas With Type
Applying Macrotypography For A More Readable Web Page
Avoiding Faux Weights And Styles With Google Web Fonts