Bewitching the Werewolf

Release Date:- 2011-09-25

Reviews Counts:- 1552

User Average Rating:- 4

Availability:- In Stock

Kind:- ebook


When witch for hire, Megan Stephens, is assigned to help the local werewolf pack leader find a mate, she thinks the job will be easy. Get in, get it up and get gone. But when she meets Zack Connor, she realizes her future might have a lot more dog jokes in it than she ever imagined.

ā€œI donā€™t get paid enough to deal with a werewolf that canā€™t get laid.ā€

My boss frowned at me. He was under the mistaken impression that I didnā€™t have enough tact. The truth was, I had no tact.

My co-worker claims that this frownā€”the one that makes a groove in my bossā€™s forehead the size of the grand canyonā€”is reserved for me.

Who says Iā€™m not special?

ā€œZackary Connor is the pack master and is willing to make it worth your while for making the trip out there.ā€

I did an eyebrow raise to show mild interest. Hmmm, money? ā€œHow long will it take?ā€

ā€œIt shouldnā€™t take longer than a full moon. The problem isnā€™t so much that he canā€™t choose a mate but that he wonā€™t.ā€

ā€œIt kills me to say this, but has this guy taken a look at my love life? The odds of me being able to help him score seem low to slightly above non-existent.ā€

ā€œSince he doesnā€™t want your advice, it shouldnā€™t be a problem. And letā€™s be clear: heā€™s not paying for your attitude. Go in there, do a little love spell to get this thing going and leave.ā€

ā€œBy ā€˜this thingā€™ do you mean his penis? Because thatā€™s a different spell and, boy, will it cost extra.ā€ I gave him my innocent-eyed expression.

He took a deep breath and looked out the window, no doubt fantasizing about being far away from me. He was just too easy to irritate.

Fortunately, Iā€™m the best Wiccan in a two state area. So my personality literally canā€™t get me fired.

ā€œOkay. Here is the file. You are expected to show up tomorrow. How does that work for you?ā€

ā€œThe full moon is four days away! What the heck am I going to get done in four measly days? I thought you meant next month.ā€

ā€œHe wants you there now,ā€ my boss said flatly and then he turned his shiny bald head back to his computer screen.

I gave him a sarcastic salute and left. Where the hell was I going?