Hypnosis and Hypnotherapy Patter Scripts and Techniques

Release Date:- 2004-07-01

Reviews Counts:- 7

User Average Rating:- 5

Availability:- In Stock

Kind:- ebook


This is NOT just another book of scripts. This set of hypnotic inductions and therapeutic scripts are Calvin Banyan's favorites. He also gives you insider techniques that no hypnotherapy practice should be without. Plus, you will get new original scripts that you will not get anywhere else. AND, you will get the "Must Have" Universal Script that works for almost any issue that your client brings into your office! Look inside and see what you get. This book is designed for the working professional. In the first half of the book, every technique and script is explained in detail. Each script has embedded instructions that lets you know exactly how to use it properly. Then, in the second half of the book, you get the most important scripts in larger print and double spaced so that you can easily remove it and use it in your sessions. These "working" scripts do not have the added instructions so that you can be sure that you are reading just what needs to be read to each client for each issue. You will find that you use these patter scripts again and again. And, you will love the universal script that will work for most client's issues. You have to use it to believe it!