How To Get A Job In 30 Days Or Less!: Discover Insider Hiring Secrets On Applying & Interviewing For Any Job And Job Getting Tips & Strategies To Find The Job You Desire

Release Date:- 2013-01-12

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Kind:- ebook


How To Get A Job In 30 Days Or Less, helps you discover insider hiring secrets on applying and interviewing for any job in any industry regardless of your qualifications, education or experience.

Do you know the reasons why it has been so difficult for you to find work & employment opportunities in this economy while a few job seekers have had an easier time getting jobs over you?

Do you know that getting a job in today's difficult economy or at any time for that matter has nothing to do with you as a person but everything to do with you not having some very specific knowledge about how to get a job that nobody ever taught you about?
Well no worries! In this how to find a job best selling book, you’ll learn how to apply for and get the job you truly desire in 30 days or less!

You’ll discover hidden secrets on how to find jobs and employment opportunities as well as interview tips questions and answers. You’ll also discover creative untaught work search strategies and out of the box ideas to get you noticed and get the job you truly desire. Regardless, of the uncertain state of the economy or any other limiting factors you might be faced with.

In this book, you will be able to master each of the following to move forward professionally and get the job you truly deserve:

1. Get the Courage to Get the Job You Desire.
2. How to Create an Effective Resume
3. Creative Ways to Get Selected, Your Resume Selected and to Get Interviewed
4. How to Effectively Tell Your Prospective Employer What You Have to Offer
5. How to Effectively Interview Over the Phone or In Person
6. How Not to Be Nervous or Afraid During an Interview
7. The Three Most Effective Ways to Apply For a Job
8. How to Use Social Media to Apply For and Get the Job You Want
9. How to Use the Law of Averages in Getting a Job
10. How to Be In the Right State of Mind to Apply For and Get the Job You Desire
11. And Much More...

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