Recent Advances In Fish Ecology, Limnology And Eco-Conservation

Release Date:- 2008-06-30

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The present volume of Recent Advances in Fish Ecology, Limnology and Eco-conservation is the seventh in the series and includes fifteen original research papers on the subject. The first volume of the series was brought out in 1988 to felicitate Professor S.M. Das D.Sc, F.Z.S. (London) F.N.A.Sc, F.A.Z., F.Z.S.I., F.N.E.S.A. (Formerly Professor & Head, Post-Graduate Department of Zoology and Dean, Faculty of Science, Jammu & Kashmir University) Scientist Emeritus, Lucknow on the completion of his fifty years of teaching and pioneering researches at the Universities of Lucknow, Kashmir and Kumaun. The second volume appeared in 1992, the third in 1994, the fourth in 1996, the fifth in 2003 (The Professor S.M. Das 90th Birthday Commemoration Volume) and the sixth in 2005.