A Work Book On Limnology

Release Date:- 2017-06-30

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Kind:- ebook


This work book is prepared as per B.F. Sc syllabus of 4th Dean’s committee recommendation vetted by Indian Council of Agricultural Research, New Delhi, Government of India. This type of work book may be the first of its kind in India which a student can use directly and can submit as laboratory record book after filling up the working sheets provided in the work book itself. Each exercise is preceded by a detailed instruction which will help the student to carry out the practical. The whole work book is divided into different sections like ‘Instructions on Physical and Chemical Limnology’, ‘Instructions on Biological Limnology’, ‘Instruction on Primary Productivity’, ‘Instructions for Preparation of Herbarium’, ‘Instructions for Field Work/ Field Trip’, ‘Colour Plates on various Organisms’ ‘Keys’ and ‘Examination Pattern’ etc.