Truth About Effective Job Candidate Interviewing, The

Release Date:- 2010-06-14

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Kind:- ebook


This is the eBook version of the printed book.

This Element is an excerpt from The Truth About Managing People (9780132346030), by Stephen P. Robbins. Available in print and digital formats.

Why your applicantsā€™ personality traits wonā€™t tell you how theyā€™ll performā€“and what they will tell you.

What are you looking for in your job applicants? If youā€™re like many managers, youā€™ll answer with terms such as hardworking, persistent, confident, and dependable. After all, how can you go wrong trying to hire people with traits such as these? Well, you can! The problem is that traits arenā€™t necessarily good predictors of future job performance.